Blessings are always present...

The blessings within light and dark moments

Happy Sunday my dear ones,

Here is a message from the Wheel of Fortune that I want to share with all of you.

The Wheel of Fortune is about finding blessings both in the light and dark moments of life. This card symbolizes the cycles of change, reminding us that nothing is permanent. It teaches us to embrace both the highs and lows with grace. Don’t throw away or fight against life lessons, as each one is a stepping stone towards greater wisdom.

When the wheel spins and lands in the fall and winter seasons, it’s a signal that we should turn inward. This reflective time is akin to the guidance of the card preceding it, The Hermit, which calls for self-reflection and solitude. Nature retreats and regenerates during these seasons, and so should we. This period invites us to pause and reflect on our journey, to understand the deeper lessons that are unfolding.

Some things to meditate on during this time:

  • What emotions are coming up for me at this moment?

Acknowledge and understand your feelings without judgment. Emotions are powerful indicators of our inner state and can guide us toward what needs healing or attention.

  • What do I fear the most and why?

Identifying your fears can be a liberating process. Understanding the root cause of these fears can help you address them constructively, rather than allowing them to control your actions and decisions.

  • How can I transmute these energies into something positive?

Look for ways to transform challenging emotions and situations into growth opportunities. This could involve changing your perspective, adopting new habits, or seeking support from others.

Know that the wheel will turn again, and the very thing you might be avoiding is where your blessings might be found. Often, our greatest growth comes from facing and overcoming our biggest challenges. Jupiter, associated with the energy of abundance and expansion, resides in the 7th house, which governs partnerships and relationships. This placement suggests that our connections with others can be a source of great fortune and growth.

However, before we can welcome the good things Jupiter promises, we must first clear away what no longer serves us. This could mean letting go of old patterns, toxic relationships, or outdated beliefs. By doing so, we make space for new opportunities and blessings to enter our lives.

Sending love and light ✨💫🤍


2820 South Alma School Road, Chandler, AZ 85286
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ANEW Life School

I'm a Spiritual guide, business coach, educator, and author who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, business & entrepreneurship, and personal development. Subscribe to my newsletter.

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