The door...

The Door... just the door.

“Wrong decisions are not the part of your failure, they are in disguise the path for your success” ― Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

We spend most of our lives trying to figure out what the right door is, assuming that right after we enter it, we will experience joyful moments. But here's something to consider: What if the "right" door is the one that brings challenges?

The story of Joseph son of Jacob from the Bible

According to the book of Genesis, between chapters 37-501, the story of Joseph serves as a good example. He was one of the 12 sons of Jacob. When he would often go out to help his brothers in the pasture, he would return and tell his father all the mischiefs that his brothers were doing. Yes, Joseph was a telltale.

One day while helping his brothers pasture the flock, he shared a dream with them. In the dream, all of their sheaves were bowing down to his sheaves. Angered because they assumed the sheaves represented them, they threw Joseph into a pit and later sold him as a slave.

Joseph was taken to Egypt where he served as a slave for Potiphar (The Pharaoh reigning during that period in Egypt) and was subsequently imprisoned after being falsely accused of rape. During his time in prison, Potiphar had a dream that none of his magicians could interpret. Joseph, who had previously interpreted the dreams of some of his fellow prisoners, was summoned to interpret Potiphar's dream which showed seven fat cows and seven lean cows. After being successfully interpreted by Joseph, the cows represented seven plentiful years and seven years of famine. Potiphar soon after appointed him as the governor of all of Egypt.

During the years of famine, Jacob sent his sons to gather food in Egypt. When they arrived, they bowed down to Joseph without yet knowing who he was. Joseph's dreams had become reality, but the path he had to tread, though eventually leading him to save a whole nation, his family, and eventually reconciliation, was an arduous one.

Soul contract and why we are here

There were many nuggets within Joseph’s story that we can gather. His mission, although without knowledge at the time, was to ensure that his family and nation did not perish due to the famine, both his brothers and Joseph himself had some karma to clean up. His ability to interpret dreams served as a contribution to others; he reconciled with his brothers, and as the governor of Egypt, he was able to build a system that preserved food during the plentiful years. That was Joseph’s soul contract: to Heal, Build, Contribute, and Clean Up.

Just like Joseph, we all have agreed to come to heal parts of our lives, build through our talents, contribute through our gifts, and clean up the actions that had a negative impact on our previous lives. Our soul contract is our spiritual map. However, many of us go through life without the awareness of its existence. In, “Your Soul Contract Decoded: Discovering the Spiritual Map Of Your Life With Numerology” By Nicolas David Ngan,2 he explains that:

“There is indeed an underlying plan, a carefully designed Spiritual Map that the soul is using to create your life in each and every moment. It is all a matter of decoding it. Once this is done, your life will make total sense. Like using satellite navigation in a car when driving to a programmed destination, this Spiritual Map of your life called your Soul Contract will help you navigate the experiences of life. It will get you to your destination, which is your Soul Destiny or Life Purpose.”

The next time you wonder if the door you are opening is the right one or the wrong one, instead, ask your higher self: "Is it in alignment with my soul’s purpose?"

In love and gratitude, Raphaella.

Check out the latest episode

Do you know what karma means and how can we use it as a gift? Join me on today’s episode where I discuss the meaning of karma, how it can be seen in different in other parts of the world, and how we can look at Karma as a gift.

Guided meditation available on ANEW Life School Community

Two of my guided meditations are now available for free on Patreon.

PS. It is also free to join the community.

Surge Program

A 7-week program for those with an idea or a passion who are ready to ditch their old ways of being, and make an impact, by sharing their ideas with the world through their business. The new waitlist is now open. New classes begin May 15th.

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ANEW Life School

I'm a Spiritual guide, business coach, educator, and author who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, business & entrepreneurship, and personal development. Subscribe to my newsletter.

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