The Courage...

The Courage... plant.

Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
― Anonymous Greek Proverb

This past week, I recorded a podcast on the fluidity of faith. I shared a bit about my upbringing and the diversity of beliefs that I grew up around. As I continue to embark on this journey of seeking “truth,” understanding what I am here to do, and who I am here to become, I’ve come to the current conclusion that there is no “ultimate” answer, or that one “thing,” but rather, a multitude of infinite possibilities within constant change.

No spiritual path has a monopoly on truth. When we create this mold of what we think people should believe, become, or do, we stifle our soul's expansion and create a dissenting society that leads to destructive behaviors. What I believe is being asked of us at this moment of our lives as a collective, is, “What is our current role in all of this?” When we look at the current state of the world, do you ask yourself, “What can I do?” Or “Who can I embody so that I can contribute to changes that I might not see, but will create a difference in the world to come?”

Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Thus, Who are you, and why are you here? Now, this question, if you are willing to truly gaze, not look, but gaze in its totality of the inquiry, the world as you know within it might shatter.

The good news: You get to see what's underneath it all and create a world in which we can all vibrate with acceptance, peace, and love, even though we might not still be here to see it.

Are you willing to plant that seed?

Love, Raphaella.

Check out the latest episode

Growing up in a household of many faiths developed within me a desire to explore different belief systems, thus giving me the understanding that faith is fluid.

Guided meditation available on ANEW Life School Community

Two of my guided meditations are now available for free on Patreon.

PS. It is also free to join the community.

Surge Program

A 7-week program for those with an idea or a passion who are ready to ditch their old ways of being, and make an impact, by sharing their ideas with the world through their business. The new waitlist is now open. New classes begin May 15th.

Connect with me.

ANEW Life School

I'm a Spiritual guide, business coach, educator, and author who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, business & entrepreneurship, and personal development. Subscribe to my newsletter.

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