Your role...

Hello, my loves...

Have you stopped to acknowledge your story and the significant role that you play in this big puzzle called life? I am currently in Brazil and I've been watching this reality show called Big Brother Brasil (BBB). It's currently the country's biggest phenomenon, and I couldn't help it, I got into the groove.

The show is about a group of individuals, referred to as housemates, who live together round-the-clock in the "Big Brother" house. They're completely isolated from the outside world, including newspapers, phones, TV, and the internet. Cameras record their every move 24/7, leaving them with no privacy for three months. These housemates compete against each other to avoid eviction every week. The last remaining housemate at the end of the season is declared the winner and takes home the grand prize.

This is their last week, and only three housemates are left, so the temperatures are high both for them and for us who are watching and want our favorites to win. As I was watching the show last night, my ancestors spoke to me and said:

"We, just like those rooting for those players, have been doing the same for you. We have also placed people in your life who have been instrumental in your growth and many times have served as support and made sure that you didn't check out before the game of your life was complete."

I cried! Actually, I boo-hoo many tears rolled down my cheeks, and I was filled with so much gratitude. I wanted to share this with you so that you can take a moment to reflect on how far you've come. You have people in your corner, both in the physical and non-physical realms, who are not only rooting for you but also waiting for you with love when you complete your 'game' of life.

Stay the course!

In love and gratitude, Raphaella.

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I used to believe there was one single truth. At some point, this idea no longer made sense to me because I began to see things differently as I came into my own spiritual awakening. In this episode, I talk about how certain time periods, levels of understanding, and cultural changes alter the idea of an absolute truth...

Surge Program

A 7-week program for those with an idea or a passion who are ready to ditch their old ways of being, and make an impact, by sharing their ideas with the world through their business. The new waitlist is now open. New classes begin May 15th.

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ANEW Life School

I'm a Spiritual guide, business coach, educator, and author who loves to talk about faith & spirituality, business & entrepreneurship, and personal development. Subscribe to my newsletter.

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